Amy’s Blog

Welcome to my blog where I share vintage-inspired projects, tips, and seasonal inspiration. Have fun exploring my latest blog posts and be sure to subscribe to my newsletter for even more vintage fun, straight to your inbox!

Three Tips to Identify Pearl Buttons!

My travels Up North offered me a chance to experience the beauty in nature on a daily basis.  Surrounded by it on the river, paddle boarding or kayaking, I love to explore the river's treasures...

Button Fun! Playing with Pearls & Plastics

Everyone has a button box or remembers grandma's. My friend Martha shared the fun she remembers organizing and playing with her grandmother's buttons: the colors, the shapes, and sizes, each one...

Vintage Shop Hop

C.J. and Dan Zonderman are proprietors of True North - Interior Design & Antiques in Charlevoix, Michigan, a wonderful shop filled with vintage and vintage-inspired treasures. I was thrilled to...

I Love Loons!

Many days during my visits to Michigan, I hop on my kayak and head up Torch River to search for loons. I am drawn to these elegant birds with the black and white pattern on their bodies, one of...

Textile Treasures & Upcycled Fashion!

What fun it can be to discover delightful fabric, notions, and handmade textiles. Petoskey, Michigan offers one of my favorite shows in a great venue near the shores of gorgeous Lake Michigan! I...

Summer Time is Reading Time & Picking Daisies

When summer comes with its warm days that send one to shady nooks and quiet spots, then one finds time for reading. Then there are long railroad journeys that need a thrilling book to shorten them,...

Join Me at the Quilt Festival

I've had a busy couple of weeks preparing for the Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival which is just around the corner. I've been pulling together some of my favorite vintage fabrics and notions...

A Portrait of the Peony

Tis the season for the beautiful peony. As Henry Field mention's in his vintage seed catalog, peonies are the first word of all flowers. If you watched my Facebook live last week, I started to talk...

Summer Holidays & A Button Flag!

Memorial Day is the start of summer and the season of decorating in red, white, and blue! Here are some ideas for you. A Button Flag project—how much fun will this be to create? First, dig into your...

Vintage Treasures & DIY Button Flowers

Thinking of all new graduates out there reminded me of the Woman's Institute and the articles I have featured in my Vintage Notions Monthly publications. The May issues featured 1920s vintage...

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