Creative and Forever Young

Creative and Forever Young

I remember when I was a little girl, I used to think that anyone my mom’s age or older was old. This included my school teacher, the mailman, baseball players, sales clerks, etc.  I now have an 11 year old daughter and I am sure she sees me as old! But just...
Let’s Makeup

Let’s Makeup

Picture this: It’s morning, you’ve showered and dressed, about to start your day when you realize that only one step remains: make-up. How do feel about this womanly ritual? Is it art? Is it a part of your personal style? Or is it, as so many of us...
Express Yourself!

Express Yourself!

Do you dress to impress? Or do you dress to express? Perhaps both.   I love expressing my creativity through fashion, so when I found Mary Brooks Picken’s words on individual style, I was intrigued by her timeless philosophy. In two different books, Harmony...
Homecoming for Hats?

Homecoming for Hats?

How often do you notice a person nowadays, walking down the street sporting a decorative hat? How often do you wear a hat? For me, just about the only time I cover up my head is out of necessity to block sun or cold not so much for fashion! But when I was growing up,...
Fresh as a Daisy the Summer Through

Fresh as a Daisy the Summer Through

Show of hands! Who here has felt a little less-than-feminine when temperatures soar to sweltering triple digits? I love summer as much as the next person, but we ladies know it’s tough to feel our freshest during bedraggling doses of heat and humidity. I adore...
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