Pattern! Pattern! Pattern!

Pattern! Pattern! Pattern!

I love photographing nature, textiles, and color. I suppose it’s because they all have pattern in common. But what is pattern exactly and what about it appeals to me so? Pattern as a simple definition is a set of lines, shapes, colors, sounds or movements that...
Chicks Choosing Chickens

Chicks Choosing Chickens

Friends and colleagues: I have something to share with you. After a good run in the craft industry for over 20 years, I have decided to throw in the towel and try something new. Namely, poultry. This may seem like a big leap, but I assure you that my reasons are...
Comment to Win: Tablecloths and Apron Patterns

Comment to Win: Tablecloths and Apron Patterns

I’ve been collecting vintage textiles and fabrics for as long as I can remember. As a child, I watched my mother collect antique quilts as well as fabric scraps to use for her handmade doll clothing business. This fascination with vintage textiles that I shared...
Turning Craft Into Cash

Turning Craft Into Cash

Handmakers, your heyday is here. Chalk it up to the recession, the green movement, or just history repeating. Handmade is hot, and more folks are shunning mass production in favor of original and practical art. Case in point: Since the 2005 launch of, the...
Have Your Cake and Eat it Too!

Have Your Cake and Eat it Too!

Who can resist when struck with a sweet tooth? I know I can’t. And the upswing of creative baking and DIY cake decorating is making temptation all the more irresistible. Even though my own creative endeavors don’t leave me much time for diving into...
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