Amy’s Blog
Welcome to my blog where I share vintage-inspired projects, tips, and seasonal inspiration. Have fun exploring my latest blog posts and be sure to subscribe to my newsletter for even more vintage fun, straight to your inbox!
Vintage Notions Book Club: The School Bell Rings
Every year we anticipate January as a time of new beginnings. We make resolutions, plans, and look forward to a new routine. It seems to me that the New Year actually happens twice. In January of...
Top 10 ideas to celebrate National Sewing Month!
September is flying by, and with it National Sewing Month. We've been celebrating the impact that home sewing has had on our lives with a SoHo Bandana Blog Tour and National Sewing Month Giveaway...
Vintage Notions Book Club: Play for better work
We live in a work-focused society. The American creed is to work harder, multi-task, & focus on success. This, as we all know, can be both exhilarating and draining. For the first time...
Amy’s Inspiration: Patterns in nature
I am obsessed with patterns in nature...particularly during my summer sabbatical in Northern Michigan when I am able to observe and photograph constantly... Unlike Kansas summers, Michigan...
Vintage Notions Book Club: Summer Beauty
Give smiles if you have nothing else. Give encouragement, good cheer. Make beauty come to you through your desire to express it. Your thoughts, deeds, motives, acts, industries, and...
Vintage Notions Book Club: Meeting Summer Halfway
What kind of neighbor are you? It is ironic that the day I am reading the June chapter of Vintage Notions, I am scheduled to meet a new neighbor in my cul-de-sac. I am lucky to be surrounded by the...
Vintage Notions Book Club: Faith in my own two hands
I'm reading the May chapter a little later in the month than I had hoped. I have just returned from my biggest show of the year, one that took most of my attention these last few months. The May...
Quilt Market Recap
Hello! I am happy to tell you that we have made it back from Quilt Market in one piece. We had a wonderful time in Portland, which is a beautiful and inspiring city. We arrived on Tuesday night, and...
The CROSSROADS Connection
Last week I introduced you to our new line with Red Rooster Fabrics, SoHo Bandana. Named after the neighborhood in New York, I designed that line with the goal of updating the classic bandana...
Introducing: Soho Bandana!
I'm so excited to introduce you to SoHo Bandana, our new fabric line from Red Rooster Fabrics, which we are debuting at Quilt Market next month. Years ago I fell in love with the detail and colors...
Vintage Notions Book Club: Welcome, Spring!
The March chapter of Vintage Notions is all about celebrating Spring. I still see snow on the ground as I look out my window, but I know the warmer weather is almost here. I can't wait! As I reread...
Beauty in the Midst of Blight: the Sacred Sewing Room
A look out the widow of the Sacred Sewing Room... ...this begins the story of my trip to Detroit with the non-profit, Enchanted Makeovers. Founder and visionary, Terry Grahl, created Enchanted...