
Turning Craft Into Cash

Handmakers, your heyday is here. Chalk it up to the recession, the green movement, or just history repeating. Handmade is hot, and more folks are shunning mass production in favor of original and practical art. Case in point: Since the 2005 launch of Etsy.com, the...

Have Your Cake and Eat it Too!

Who can resist when struck with a sweet tooth? I know I can't. And the upswing of creative baking and DIY cake decorating is making temptation all the more irresistible. Even though my own creative endeavors don't leave me much time for diving into cake-making, I am...

Handmade Undies: A Briefs History

Handmade Undies: A Briefs History

Let's talk about a rather delicate subject. Over the past few months, I've shared with you heaps of vintage inspiration from Mary Brooks Picken and her work at the Woman's Institute. One thing I've yet to mention? Unmentionables. Back then, self-stitched skivvies were...

Grand Ole Flag

Today is flag day in the U.S., and a chance to reflect on the pride and tradition woven into the fabric of Old Glory. I found a few of my favorite flag images to share with you, old and new.  Also, you can find free download images of flag Americana on The Vintage...

Button Rings

There's no way around it, I simply love buttons. From vintage to modern, outrageous to simple, button collecting is one of my favorite creative pastimes (addictions). Sorting through bins of buttons at a flea market, and discovering the ones that I cannot live...

Happy Valentine’s Day

Since it's Valentine's Day, I thought I would share a few of my favorite items, Valentine-themed, of course. I love this tattered and torn, embroidered Valentine that I found at the Mission Antique Mall last season. It's so simple and beautiful. I just bought this...

Fabric Inspiration & Giveaway

Many times I've been asked how I get the ideas for my books, patterns or fabric lines? And the short answer is lots of places.  My passion for seeking out vintage sewing treasures and collecting sewing books and ephemera has lead to many of my projects over the years....

A New Year’s Wish

As you know by now, one of the reasons I felt compelled to write Vintage Notions was due to how deeply I was moved by the writings of Mary Brooks Picken and The Woman's Institute. As this year wraps up, I'd like to share another selection from an Institute...

A Curious Closing

If you live in the Kansas City area, I'm sure you have already heard that Deb Dusenberry, proprietor of the fabulous Curious Sofa, is closing her Prairie Village store on Jan 15th. Why? As Deb said on her blog, she'll "post [her]...

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