Thoughtful Inspiration

Timeless Wisdom for a Slimmer You

As I collected material for Vintage Notions my favorite "department" to concept each month was" Amy B.'s Vintage Advice, from the quirky to the conventional." The March chapter featured the article "Disguising Generous Proportions" from a 1923 Inspiration newsletter....

VN Excerpt: Making Merry on Halloween

No other party time of all the year holds quite the possibilities of Halloween. It is "fun time" pure and simple. Decorations and games, weird and ghostly, and refreshments of an informal nature are a matter of tradition. Unexpected surprises always add to the fun of...

VN Excerpt: An Inexhaustible, Rich Store of Vitality

Nothing in the world has ever been beautiful merely on the surface. Beautiful women hold their preeminence through a single unchanging possession an inexhaustible, rich store of vitality. * * * This sentence of Mary Brooks Picken's is very special to me. Because I...

VN Excerpt: Words of Wisdom

Disguising Generous Proportions Inspiration, 1923 But good, firm flesh, rightly distributed, makes a woman look younger after she has passed thirty-five. Instead of regarding it as a calamity, then, be thankful for it just so long as you keep it within bounds. Growing...

VN Excerpt: Cross-Stitch

[Inspiration. 1927] The quaint charm of cross-stitch is unsurpassed by any other type of needlework, for about it there lingers the romance of its association with the old-time samplers, which had their origin in Europe long before America was discovered. Recently...

VN Excerpt: The Joy of Doing Things

The Joy of Doing Things Inspiration, 1922 Of all of the joys that enter into our lives, it would be difficult to find one greater than that which brings us the exclamation, "See, I did this all myself." I know of a woman who, until about a year ago, could not bake a...

Why Thimblefuls?

Naming a product line, business, or blog can be a fun and challenging exercise. The process of brainstorming names for my Indygo Junction sewing patterns has gotten more challenging over the 20 years as we have already used some of our favorite names. But I am always...

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