Thoughtful Inspiration

Century old New Year’s Cheer

Over the holiday break I spent some time with some of my vintage children’s magazines. I found this wonderful letter from January 1916 that I had to share... here is a particularly inspiring excerpt from the page. If you enjoy it please share it & I will find more...

Live Your Life and Forget Your Age

WHEN ARE WE OLD? I remember when I was a little girl, I used to think that anyone my mom's age or older was old. This included my school teacher, the mailman, baseball players, sales clerks, etc.  I now have an 12 year old daughter and I am sure she sees me as old!...

Favorite Vintage Advice: Napkin Etiquette

The holiday season is approaching, which means one thing: Parties! Whether it be dinners, cocktails, soirees or shindigs, you will want to be on your best behavior this holiday season. The Woman's World Book of Etiquette has some great advice about walking the...

Mother’s Day Apron Story

Mother’s Day Apron Story

Did you know that this is the 100th anniversary of Mother's Day? I recently read a great article detailing how Anna Jarvis made it her life's mission to make it a national holiday, and how she then spent the rest of her life fighting against the commercialization of...

Vintage Notions Book Club: The Fine Art of Giving

It seems like just a moment ago, I wrote the first post for the Vintage Notions Book Club, and in just a blink of the eye, here I am writing the December post. As I reread  Vintage Notions over the last year, one thing that I was struck by was Mary Brooks Pickens...

Vintage Notions Book Club: Gratitude

Vintage Notions Book Club: Gratitude

  The month of November heralds the beginning of the Holiday Season. For most of us, this is a whirlwind of decorating, planning, gift purchasing, child entertaining and eating. It is both exhilarating and exhausting! It is a time of making memories and...

Vintage Notions Book Club: Halloween Fun!

For most people the end of October is all about one thing, Halloween. I love Halloween myself and think it is a great venue for creativity and joy. The fun of deciding and making a costume, decorating the home and, of course, coming up with exciting treats is a great...

Vintage Notions Book Club: The School Bell Rings

Every year we anticipate January as a time of new beginnings. We make resolutions, plans, and look forward to a new routine. It seems to me that the New Year actually happens twice. In January of course, but also in September. Back to school time in our house brings...

Vintage Notions Book Club: Play for better work

I think it is important for all creative people to take some time to make something for themselves. I know so many quilters who are constantly sewing for others, but never make a quilt just for themselves. The same with garment sewers. To take a moment for you is to encourage creative renewal. When you clear your mind, it leaves room for other brilliant ideas to pop in there!

Vintage Notions Book Club: Summer Beauty

July’s chapter is all about summer beauty, both inside and out. In the above quote, Mary Brooks Picken once again reminds us that simplicity in living and giving, and a kind and cheerful disposition make for a beautiful life. In this hectic day to day world, sometimes this is hard to remember

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