Amy’s Blog
Welcome to my blog where I share vintage-inspired projects, tips, and seasonal inspiration. Have fun exploring my latest blog posts and be sure to subscribe to my newsletter for even more vintage fun, straight to your inbox!
Comment to Win: Tablecloths and Apron Patterns
I've been collecting vintage textiles and fabrics for as long as I can remember. As a child, I watched my mother collect antique quilts as well as fabric scraps to use for her handmade doll clothing...
Turning Craft Into Cash
Handmakers, your heyday is here. Chalk it up to the recession, the green movement, or just history repeating. Handmade is hot, and more folks are shunning mass production in favor of original and...
Hammock is heaven!
Ahhh! the joy that is felt on the first swing of summer on our hammock - a liberating feeling knowing that in the days and weeks ahead the hammock will be there for a peaceful spiritual escape. I...
Fresh as a Daisy the Summer Through
Show of hands! Who here has felt a little less-than-feminine when temperatures soar to sweltering triple digits? I love summer as much as the next person, but we ladies know it's tough to feel our...
Have Your Cake and Eat it Too!
Who can resist when struck with a sweet tooth? I know I can't. And the upswing of creative baking and DIY cake decorating is making temptation all the more irresistible. Even though my own creative...
Define or be Fined!
It's no secret that I greatly admire the life and work of Mary Brooks Picken. I've shared with you many of her words of wisdom, helpful advice, and thoughtful stories. She was constantly at work on...
Handmade Undies: A Briefs History
Let's talk about a rather delicate subject. Over the past few months, I've shared with you heaps of vintage inspiration from Mary Brooks Picken and her work at the Woman's Institute. One thing I've...
Vintage Venues Up North
As I travel, I am always looking for vintage inspiration, whether it's a home with wonderful architecture, like this Mackinaw Island estate... or a charming little shop, such as Curiosities in...
Vintage Wisdom with a Modern Voice
Vintage Wisdom, Modern Voice. ”I say these words a lot, but I want you to know that their sentiment comes directly from my soul. This phrase is, to me, a way of summarizing everything that I...
Stitch My Own Suit? Not!
I have yet to talk to a woman who enjoys shopping for a swimsuit it's about as fun as getting a flu shot or shopping for tires. I always avoid until late June this most humbling and painful fashion...
Gladiolas & A Guest
I ran across this patch of gorgeous red gladiolas and couldn't help but photograph it. It is such a bright contrast to the evergreens behind it. While I was shooting I had a visitor - a black and...
Windows Gallery, NYC
I collect windows - on my phone at least! I love the infinite window designs in architecture. New York especially has some gorgeous windows and I photographed them throughout my visit. Are there any...