The Magic Pattern Story: Process

The Magic Pattern Story: Process

Last week I shared with you my inspiration to create The Magic Pattern Book. Today I want to tell you about the process of creating the 36 different patterns included in the book. Once I committed to creating The Magic Pattern Book, I started collaborating with...
The Magic Pattern Story: Inspiration

The Magic Pattern Story: Inspiration

I’m thrilled to announce the release of my new title, The Magic Pattern Book! I collaborated with Workman Publishing to create this new garment  and accessory sewing book, which offers 36 different fashion-forward patterns. Over the next few weeks I want to...
The Gored Skirt – A Classic

The Gored Skirt – A Classic

Yesterday while shopping the antique mall in Elk Rapids, Michigan, I spotted the fabulous illustration on the cover of this issue dated August 1, 1911 and of course had to take a peek inside. I was flipping through To-Day’s Magazine and saw this...
Book Giveaway Winner!

Book Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations to Patricia, who is the winner of The Lost Art of Dress and Vintage Notions! Patricia, we have sent you an email, keep an eye out for it. Thanks to everyone who entered, I loved reading about your experiences in Home Ec. or how you otherwise learned...
Book Giveaway – The Lost Art of Dress

Book Giveaway – The Lost Art of Dress

As you may know, Mary Brooks Picken is my muse and I was inspired by her work in educating the women on fashion, sewing techniques, and the home arts through her work with The Woman’s Institute to write my book Vintage Notions. I have recently written a new book...