Vintage Notions Book

Define or be Fined!

It's no secret that I greatly admire the life and work of Mary Brooks Picken. I've shared with you many of her words of wisdom, helpful advice, and thoughtful stories. She was constantly at work on one project or another, and had a seemingly endless well of knowledge...

Feedsacks: An Unlikely Fashion Movement

In the early 1800s, staples such as grain, flour, sugar and animal feed began to be shipped in canvas bags instead of in the boxes that were used previously. To the pioneer woman whose life was a daily challenge, this introduction of a new cloth into the home spurred...

Reason #367 Why I Love Mary Brooks Pickens

For the past six months, since my book, Vintage Notions, was released, I have been on the road, on the blogs and on the pages of anyone who'll listen telling everyone how much Mary Brooks Picken means to me...and why I think she should mean more to everyone. And I...

A Magazine That Truly Stands Out

• Just the other day, Amazon announced that ebooks are now outselling traditional, bound books. Now, those of you that know me know that I am not a luddite by any stretch of the imagination. It's rare that I am without my cellphone, laptop or iPad throughout the day...

The Fashion Group

I just got back from a trip to New York, during which I managed some research time at The Fashion Group International offices. Why the Fashion Group? My very own Mary Brooks Picken was a founding member (along with Eleanor Roosevelt!), president...

The Woman’s Institute Anniversary

As most of you know, I recently released a new book, Vintage Notions: An Inspirational Guide to Needlework, Sewing, Cooking, Fashion, & Fun.  My inspiration for this was The Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences and its founder, Mary Brooks Picken. The...

The Joyous Blur Of Launch Weekend, Pt. 2

More Joyous Blur... In addition to the opening night activities shown in the previous post, the book launch offered me the opportunity to collaborate with some of my favorite retailers in Kansas City. Here are a few pics sharing some of our displays and activities....

Blogs: The Sewing Circles of 2010

In a 1924 Woman's Institute 'Inspiration' publication, Katherine Rabuck wrote about the evolution of Institute Clubs, networks of women in cities around the country, and compared them to the Sewing Circles of days gone by... The same spirit that drew woman together...

Creative Connection 1 – The Handmade Market

I cannot begin to tell you how much The Creative Connection event in Minneapolis meant to me. To start with, I have so much to report, I'm going to be breaking it down into three posts. The event was masterminded by Nancy Soriono and Jo Packam, two wonderfully...

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