Disguising Generous Proportions Inspiration, 1923 But good, firm flesh, rightly distributed, makes a woman look younger after she has passed thirty-five. Instead of regarding it as a calamity, then, be thankful for it just so long as you keep it within bounds. Growing...
Another day and we have two more winners. The winner drawn from blog commenters is Jackie Clauson. The winner drawn from those that “Like” my Facebook Page is Rebecca Everett Thank you all, again, for all of the fantastic comments.Keep up the good work and...
[Inspiration. 1927] The quaint charm of cross-stitch is unsurpassed by any other type of needlework, for about it there lingers the romance of its association with the old-time samplers, which had their origin in Europe long before America was discovered. Recently...
Thank you, thank you, thank you…every one of you who has been posting and sharing. I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of stories, comments and support for Vintage Notions. I feel lucky every day to be doing what I’m doing…and with such a remarkable...
Please remember that we are drawing our daily winners from each day’s VN Excerpt post. If you want to be in the drawing for a free copy of Vintage Notions, you have to check back daily and comment on the daily VN Excerpt post. While I am reading and loving all...