One of my favorite TV shows on the air today is PROJECT RUNWAY. I have become an avid fan and am in awe of the intense creativity and imagination that the designers exhibit. What I enjoy most, however is watching always-fabulous co-host, Tim Gunn, give feedback and gentle (but always honest) guidance to the enthusiastic participants. Tim’s wisdom comes from both a well-informed background and personal love of fashion. If you have not read his book, Tim Gunn’s Fashion Bible, I encourage you to add it to your collection. He not only shares practical fashion advice, but also weaves through incredibly interesting fashion history that still influences the silhouettes and accessories we enjoy today. It is rich with content and informed fashion direction.
I, too, share Tim’s love of fashion history and have always been interested in empowering others to express their personal style. On a daily basis, I am working on new patterns for my Indygo Junction line, and it’s a joy to work with my team of designers who share this same passion! It was on this continued
This past summer, I had the opportunity to meet Tim Gunn in person while he co-hosted a fashion show in Kansas City. I talked with him about our mutual fascination with fashion history, and was happy to find that he too knew of Mary Brooks Picken’s role in shaping American fashion. I left Tim that day with a copy of Vintage Notions, which I can only hope he values as much as I value his Fashion Bible.
So, once again, thank you Tim for your fabulous book, wonderful advice and never-ending inspiration.
Time for a Giveaway!!
I’d love to share the inspiration by offering readers a chance to win a copy of Tim’s book – Fashion Bible – AND a copy of my two books – Vintage Notions & Indygo Junction’s Fabric Flowers. Simply post a comment to this blog post with what inspires you about fashion. You will have until Sunday, Dec. 16th at midnight to post your comments to enter to win. A winner will be selected at random to win a copy of all three books! Good luck & happy sewing!