Stories Behind the Fabric

I love to use my blog here to share with you my thoughts, inspirations, and happenings about all things vintage. I’m the author of Vintage Notions, owner of Indygo Junction and The Vintage Workshop, but did you know that I also have my own fabric lines?

I have designed 11 fabric lines through Red Rooster Fabrics, and guess what! They’re all inspired in one way or another from vintage content that I have discovered along the way! Inspiration for fabric can come in almost any form, as I discuss in my blog post, Pattern, Pattern, Pattern, but I want to tell you a little more about my specific vision when creating a fabric line.

Take, for instance, my line called Baby’s Childhood Days. The name comes from a book that I found at an antique show, published in 1908. I loved the illustrations – one version of the book is black and white while another version is in stunning color! We actually reproduced the pages of the book as a panel so it could be stitched into a fabric baby book. And if you like this fabric, you’ll want to head over to Indygo Junction’s blog today for an exciting giveaway including quilting tools and fabric from “Baby’s Childhood Days“!!

My newest line,Vintage Notions: The Dressmaking Collection is just starting to hit stores! As I was compiling material for the book, Vintage Notions, I always envisioned a fabric line to go with it, and I’m so thrilled with the results. In this line, many of the patterns were inspired from illustrations by Alice Seipp, who created artwork for the Woman’s Institute of Domestic Arts & Sciences publications (textbooks, newsletters, and advertisements) in the 1920s. You can see swatches of this fabric on, and read more about the creation of the line on Indygo Junction’s blog. If your local fabric store isn’t carrying the line yet, please encourage them to order it!

Design can be inspired by just about any color or shape around us. I love my creations to have a real story behind them. I love to pick up any swatch from one of my fabric lines and be able to relate the history of words, images, and/or people that inspired it. And how better to pass on history than to incorporate it into a product that can be used by others to create anew?

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