The Sew It eBook

This is an instant download revised reproduction of the 1929 release The Sew It Book: Things To Make With Needle and Thread and Odds and Ends. I found this treasure and had to reintroduce it for modern makers! book includes 17 projects such as a child’s apron, smock, sun bonnet, rag doll, samplers and kimono-type jacket. Techniques included are sewing, embroidery, doll dress pattern making and tie dying.

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This is an instant download reproduction of the 1929 release The Sew It Book: Things To Make With Needle and Thread and Odds and Ends. The ebook includes 17 projects such as a child’s apron, smock, sun bonnet, rag doll, samplers and kimono-type jacket. Techniques included are sewing, embroidery, doll dress pattern making and tie dying. A keepsake treasure with darling graphics that will charm sewers and quilters, young and old!

This is an instant PDF Download. If you would like the print version, it is available from



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