Day 7 Winners

Day 7 Winners

Congratulations go out to our Day 7 Winners in the Vintage Notions Book-a-Day Give-a-Way: From the blog: Mary J. From Facebook: Jennifer Gouldsmith Remember, if you won because you were drawn from folks who commented on the blog, we have your email and will be in...
Day 7 Winners

Day 6 Winners

It’s the end of our sixth day of the Vintage Notions Book-a-Day Give-a-Way and our winners are: From the blog: Robin Critenden From Facebook: Eileen Murray Mulcare And, if you still can’t recite this next paragraph from memory yet, here’s the...
Day 7 Winners

It’s Day 5 and We Have Winners

You all have made some of the most wonderful comments on my blog over the past 5 days. I am touched that you would, not only take the time to post, but also take the time to make such lovely, funny and heartwarming posts. Please…promise me that, even after this...