Vintage Notions Book Club: A Fresh Start

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The theme that resonated most with me in the January Chapter was that do-overs are allowed, and that our happiness is not contingent on getting things right the first time. I believe it is the process that is important. With January resolutions we have a chance to create fresh starts for ourselves.

The determination to try again is without doubt the greatest factor for success in the lives of all whose achievements are noteworthy.”

Another lesson I’ve learned this month is that we can focus on big goals, but we can also focus our energy to find happiness in everyday efforts.

contentment_is_happiness For surely, when we are happy, we are successful, at least in that little domain where we are queen. No matter what our environment, no matter what our circumstances “ a singing tea kettle, a cozy fire”

I certainly find myself getting so distracted in the big stuff that I can miss those small moments of happiness.


This is one of my favorite soup recipes, from Noah’s a famed Italian restaurant in Des Moines, Iowa. I served this over the holidays and friends were stunned to hear that Campbell’s cans were the secret to my soup success!







This chapter also discusses do-overs as they relate to remodeling clothes. Be sure to check out the man’s shirt apron project in this chapter it’s one of my favorites! Our modern day recycling revolution is also evidence of the notion that what is old is new again. This is one of my passions when it comes to my work with Indygo Junction. Ever since we produced Jacket from Jeans back in the 1990’s, I have loved the idea of creating clothes with cast-offs!






That’s all for now. I can’t wait to read try some of your soup recipes & see your recycling ideas in the comments section! Please encourage your friends to join us for this monthly book club. Send them a link, share on Facebook, or start a group of friends in your community  Let’s find joy in the journey!


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