Spring is here! Time to put away winter clothes and refresh your wardrobe with a new palette. Take a peek in your closet what hues do you typically choose?
*Hazel eyes take on the color of the dress be it brown, green, or blue
*Black eyes need deep, warm colors to reflect their depth and brilliance
*A woman with true blue eyes should glory in a blue that makes her eyes more blue
In addition to Mary’s words, I’ve also come across a number of useful “color charts” in various vintage sewing books and pamphlets. See if the suggestions below match your own style!
To learn a little more about the art of color, I talked to my friend Vicki Fischer the Beauty and Lifestyle Editor of ItsAGlamThing.com, and makeup artist for Nancy Zieman whom I met while filming an Indygo Junction feature on PBS’s Sewing With Nancy. Vicki was impressed by the professional quality of the vintage color wheels, and was reminded of one of her favorite beauty manuals of all time called, Color Me Beautiful.
“When you’d have your colors done, you could get a little folder (a bit bigger than a check book) with color swatches for your “Season” (Summer, Fall , Winter, Spring) to take with you when you went shopping. I thought it was the best!”