Liberty Enlightening the World

On my recent trip to New York City, my family joined me, making the trip ever so special. NYC is just one of those places like no other that you have to share with someone. It’s especially an experience you want to share with your children.

The highlight of the trip, on top of the visit to Times Square at night, FAO Schwartz, The Today Show and a Central Park carriage ride, had to be our visit to the Statue of Liberty.

Knowing that we wanted to visit Lady Liberty (and because we had taken the kids out of school and were feeling a little guilty), we planned ahead, reserved tickets into the pedestal (The crown was already sold-out!) and all got the audio recording to listen to as we toured. You can imagine how thrilled they were that they were expected to learn something during this visit. So we decided that we would have a quiz at the end of the tour with a five-dollars-to-the-winner prize. Now we had their attention! We all learned so much and had so much fun!!

There’s no big message in this post…I just wanted to share a really fun trip I had with my family. Here are some photos of our adventure (we were blessed, the weather was amazing for February)…thought you would enjoy learning too.

In the images above, I particularly loved the fact the structure for the statue was inspired by this dress form along with the vintage ads. Ironically the opening celebration happened prior to women getting the vote and, consequently, women were not allowed on the island to partake in the celebration, further igniting the Woman’ Suffrage movement.

In case you feel like learning something too, here’s a sampling of the quiz questions we asked the kids (answers at the end):

  1. What year was the statute reopened after the restoration?
  2. Who was President at the celebration that inaugural dedication ?
  3. What is the shoe size for the statue?
  4. When was the torch replaced?
  5. Who launched the penny a name fundraising effort to finish the pedestal?
    (During the building of the pedestal, the U.S. ran out of money. A fundraising campaign was launched touting that if you gave a penny, you could get your name in” The World” newspaper. This effort raised $120,000 and enough to complete the project).

Thanks so much for letting me share.

~ Amy

Quiz answers:

  1. 1986
  2. Glover Cleveland
  3. 876
  4. 1982
  5. Joseph Pulitzer

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