Creative Connection 1 – The Handmade Market

I cannot begin to tell you how much The Creative Connection event in Minneapolis meant to me. To start with, I have so much to report, I’m going to be breaking it down into three posts.

The event was masterminded by Nancy Soriono and Jo Packam, two wonderfully talented women I have met over my years in business. I first met Nancy when I was chosen as one of Country Livings’ creative entrepreneurs. Jo I have known from the early days of Indygo Junction as a fellow publisher of patterns and books. This event was an example of creative women coming together for an inspiring event celebrating each other and sharing.

So, for this post, I’ll share with you some photos and links from some of the folks at The Creative Connections’ Handmade Market, the marketplace during the event. Open to participants as well as the public, it was an awesome showcase of creative spirits from across the nation. Here are some of my favorites from the show (plus a shot of the booth we set up as well).

Top row, right: Linda Schneewind, digs (
Second row, left: allora handmade (; middle: ivy & joy buttons
Third row: Rebecca Ersfeld (
Bottom row, left: Michelle Legler, (

There were simply too many wonderful and talented people at this show to report on every one of them. If you were at the event, who did you see that you’d like everyone to know about?

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