The Joyous Blur of Launch Weekend, Pt. 1

Library Presentation

The Launch Evening

Way back on Sept 1, my newest book, Vintage Notions: An Inspirational Guide to Needlepoint, Cooking, Sewing, Fashion and Fun, officially launched. That seems like ages ago, but I wanted to stop for just a minute to share with you some of the highlights of that weekend and thank so many people, without whom that weekend would not have been the success it was.

Photo notes:

Top row: Left, Mary Ann Donze, Secely Palmer. Dian Stanley, Annette Waisner, Erin Hill, Cheryl Pinkman, Donna Martin (Amy, in middle); Center, Donna Martin (mother), Amy, Barbara Barickman-Meier (mother-in-law); Right, Amy Anderson, Amy Phillips, Amy, Melanie Haas;

Middle row top: Left, Marilyn Gash, Amy, Laurie Meier; Middle, Brenda Doyle, Jean Suderman, Amy, and Martha Barazza; Right, in front of the Kansas City Missouri Public Library (the site of the launch).

Middle row bottom: Left, signing books; Middle, Jean Lowe, my wonderful editor; Right, Secely Palmer from my staff and me.

Bottom row:  Left, my KU Pi Phi sisters: Jenny Spencer, Kara Dolan, Cynthia Chandler, Carol Logan, Amy, Lucy Wietharn, Leslie Sheldon, Krissie Wiggins; Middle, my fantastic husband, Bob Barickman; Right, Deb Dusenberry (Owner, Curious Sofa)

After the opening night festivities, the launch offered me the opportunity to collaborate with some of my favorite retailers in Kansas City. Check out The Joyous Blur of Launch Weekend, Pt 2 to see how it all came together.

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