VN Excerpt: An Inexhaustible, Rich Store of Vitality

Nothing in the world has ever been beautiful merely on the surface. Beautiful women hold their preeminence through a single unchanging possession an inexhaustible, rich store of vitality.

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This sentence of Mary Brooks Picken’s is very special to me. Because I have been extremely lucky to work in a creative field every day for the past 20 years, I have been surrounded by beauty. Beauty in the goods and wares we create, but more importantly, beauty in the people that create them. Women (and men) with “an inexhaustible, rich store of vitality.” One such woman I’ve had the privilege of meeting is Terry Grahl. I was fortunate to see Terry’s wonderful organization, Enchanted Makeovers, first hand last spring when I helped out at her Recipes of Hope event in Kansas City. Enchanted Makeovers transforms shelters into beautiful sanctuaries and give its residents solace and hope by returning a small bit of beauty back into their lives. From that moment on, I knew I wanted to find a way to help. And I have. I’d like everyone to know that, in support of Terry and Enchanted Makeovers, I am going to be donating 20% of the proceeds from the sales of Vintage Notions at our Library Launch event (Thursday, Sept 2nd, Kansas City, Missouri Public Library (Plaza branch). Please come out, meet me, get a signed copy of Vintage Notions and help out Enchanted Makeovers.

~ Amy

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Who in your life is “beautiful?” Who demonstrates their inexhaustible, rich store of vitality and enriches your life?

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